Author archive for Steve Moraco

  • DATA: Year 1

    DATA paints a canvas with your creativity, provides a platform to promote and refine your best ideas, and gathers a…

  • Annual Goals: 2023

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

  • Social

    The first page people see when they find from social media

  • Annual Goals: 2021

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

  • A New Decade: 2021

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

  • How I Win Every Day

    Here’s my morning routine and how it works. This post will take maybe an hour to properly ingest. It’s a…

  • People assume that I am judging them

    This always fascinates me, because I couldn’t care less about other people’s choices and goals.

  • People assume that I am judging them

    This always fascinates me, because I couldn’t care less about other people’s choices and goals. Having my own high standards…

  • On learning to set internal goals

    My therapist is a huge fan of highlighting when I care about things that are out of my control. I…

  • On learning to set internal goals

    My therapist is a huge fan of highlighting when I care about things that are out of my control.

  • Service from the stage

    As I learn more about presenting, being in front of people, leading teams, and coaching speakers, I’ve noticed a few…

  • Are you a tree or a fruit

    I heard someone refer to a fruit and “it’s mother” recently. They meant that the tree was it’s mother.

  • Constructive Fury

    Written April 22nd, 2019 — Published April 23rd, 2019

  • How We Will Repeat History

    Written July 6th, 2017  —  Published April 11th, 2019

  • Mediation on Time Commitments

    Written Jan 30th, 2019 — Published April 10th, 2019

  • Read The Journey Of Not Knowing

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is a book that helps you determine what you want to go big on…

  • Our Oppressors?

    Written June 2017 — Published April 2019 

  • Investing in Yourself

    Written May 25th, 2017 — Published May 29th, 2017 It’s fashionable to go to college, to get a degree. It’s easy because…

  • “Just The Way Things Are”

    Written May 20th, 2017 — Published May 28th, 2017 There are no such things as “entrenched” systems. There is no status quo.…

  • Why Books Are Badass

    Written Apr 28th, 2017 — Published May 27th, 2017 Books are the lowest cost, highest value, best return asset you can own.…

  • Party Time

    Written Jan 26th, 2017 — Published May 26th, 2017 I want to celebrate the 26th of every month. It just seems like…

  • Driving

    Written Jan 16th, 2017 — Published May 25th, 2017 People die doing that, you know? Plenty has been written about the tragedies…

  • Are phone calls still the best way to do business?

    Written Jan 16th, 2017 — Published May 24th, 2017 Phone calls are what email should have been. I’ll bet business became way…

  • Going Places

    Written Jan 16th, 2017 — Published May 23rd, 2017 “I don’t care how good of a person you are, it changes you.…

  • Be Actductive

    Written Jan 14th, 2017 — Published May 22nd, 2017 Actuctivity is a term I just made up because I couldn’t find a…

  • Life Goals

    This page documents what I want out of life.

  • Read Essentialism

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is a book that helps you determine what you want to go big on…

  • Traditions

    Written Jan 14th, 2017 — Published Feb 1st, 2017 Traditions are like clothes. Sometimes people receive clothes from friends and family. Some…

  • Speaking Vs Writing

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 26th, 2017 I recently made a good number of videos. Selfie videos were the main…

  • Speaking Vs Thinking

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 24th, 2017 It’s simple, but I make it complicated. The voice in my head doesn’t…

  • On Getting To The Airport Too Late

    Written Jan 10th, 2017 — Published Jan 19th, 2017 Twice lately I’ve gotten to the airport within a few minutes of missing…

  • Learn what to care about by paying attention.

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 18th, 2017 People ask me how I set goals, how I aim so high, how…

  • What You Do Is How You Feel

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 17th, 2017 How have you been feeling lately? What have you been doing? Notice anything?…

  • What Changed When I Started Publishing Every Day

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 16th, 2017 I don’t have to be online all the time to publish all the…

  • The Queue Is In Charge

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 15th, 2017 For the next two weeks I’m reviewing, planning, and gathering feedback. I’m excited…

  • Videos Every Day Begin Now

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 14th, 2017 My daily vlog starts going up today on my youtube channel. 1 Video…

  • I Messed Up Again

    Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 13th, 2017 Hi Internet friends, I didn’t post yesterday’s post till just now. I used…

  • Are you imagining or testing?

    Written Jan 12th, 2017 — Published Jan 121th, 2017 People like to imagine they can accurately predict how things will turn out.…

  • Breaking Routine

    Written Jan 10th, 2017 — Published Jan 11th, 2017 I consider myself pretty spontaneous. That said, I’m still surprised that’s there’s a…

  • On people who succeed (including you!)

    Written Jan 8th, 2017 — Published Jan 10th, 2017 No one succeeds in a vacuum. You need help. This fun fact results…

  • Where are you going?

    Written Jan 1st, 2017 — Published Jan 9th, 2017 I’m fascinated by people who aren’t trying to get somewhere. Almost everyone is…

  • Who You Are Vs. What You Do

    Written Jan 1st, 2017 — Published Jan 8th, 2017 People grow up learning to define themselves. But are you really who you…

  • Details

    Written Jan 1st, 2017 — Published Jan 7th, 2017 I took this picture today, and shared it immediately. In contrast, most pictures…

  • The Power Of Will

    Written Dec 15th, 2016 — Published Jan 6th, 2017 Have you thought recently about how crazy it is that you can do what…

  • Making Time For The Entire Process

    Written Dec 1st, 2016 — Published Jan 5th, 2017 Life gets in the way of creative work. There’s no time to make…

  • Metrics As A Replacement for Artistic Intent

    Written Dec 14th, 2016 — Published Jan 4th, 2017 For some reason it has become fashionable to ask “how many views does…

  • The Overwhelming Importance Of Clear Communication

    Written Nov 18th, 2016 — Published Jan 3rd, 2017 Sometimes when I go to see movies with friends I end up ranting about…

  • Tomorrow in History

    Written Nov 17th, 2016 — Published Jan 2nd, 2017 There’s no point putting off some political commentary. It’ll happen in my daily writings…

  • Today in History

    Written Nov 17th, 2016 — Published Jan 1st, 2017 Hi Internet, I hope you’re feeling great this morning. I have a quick thought…

  • Casey’s Ending His Vlog – Here’s What That Means

    One of the most widely known, successful youtubers of all time just killed his daily show. Here’s what that means.

  • The Problem With Jobs

    I’ve wanted to write this for years. Let’s talk about the benefits of universal basic income and the inequities of…

  • Tri-City Living

    I think I’ve found the key to making the most of the incoming creative economy. I want to live in…

  • Chris Anderson’s TED

    Discover what makes TED so amazing by learning about the man who built it himself.

  • The Power Of Caring Mothers

    Moms are great. Happy Mother’s day!

  • Who Is The Youngest Woman Ever To Run For U.S. Congress? She’s Right Here: Erin Schrode

    Erin is on a mission that’s taking her all the way to the house of representatives. We got to talk…

  • What I Learned Touring Space X Twice

    This is a crazy look at the one time in the summer of 2015 that I got to tour SpaceX…

  • Let’s Overthrow Education

    Building on themes from several other posts, this post highlights the cultural shift that necessitates a change. This is why…

  • Let’s Not “Revolutionize” Education

    If we can’t revolutionize education, what else can we do? This post builds on themes from my previous post “The…

  • Here's a picture of a new school and an old school. Let's Overthrow Education

    The Secret History Of Education

    Everyone realizes that everything is horribly broken, and nobody seems to know why. In this post I explore 3 uncommon…

  • Artificial Ignorance

    This post is a combination of my thoughts on Superintelligence (a book by Nick Bostrom) and AI Movies like Chappie,…

  • You’re Awesome

    This is a post about the world’s biggest problems and how you can swing your own interests and pursuits to…

  • How good do we have it, really?

    Don’t listen to the news. Listen to me, running around in circles yelling: THINGS ARE REALLY GOOD.

  • Failing Sucks

    Failing isn’t easy. But it works better than almost anything else, so here’s how you make failing a part of…

  • Learn About Studying Abroad

    This post explains my recent entry into the world of international education.

  • 10 Ways Your Future Will Be Unexpectedly Awesome

    Everything is changing. The world we live in is changing so fast now that it’s nearly impossible to keep up.…

  • Read about Elon Musk

    Finished reading @elonmusk by @valleyhack. I wrote a 6-step summary of the process he uses for his life’s work.

  • Keep Starting

    I lacked clarity. It’s hard to do anything if you don’t know what you’re doing. Even harder if you don’t…

  • Read Bridge Story One

    What you are about to read is fiction… for now. The strange fact of the matter is the the technology…

  • Listen To This Ambiance

  • Read Academically Adrift

    An insightful book with indecipherable language. I decided it needed to be broken down into simple words and brief summaries…

  • Achieve Your Goals By Giving Up

    It’s not that you don’t have enough willpower, it’s that your goals are impossible. All you have control over is…

  • Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    Clearing up any confusion between asset and liability is surprisingly enough to completely revolutionize your bank statement.

  • Get Free Guac & Find Your Purpose

    How to explore dozens of different career paths, degrees, and daily routines in just a few days to figure out…
