Welcome to the blog of Steve Moraco, "Map Making."

We all claim to be searching for truth, but we're just making maps. You can't be "right" if you're making a map. The best case scenario is you end up with a map. ...but you can be wrong, and that’s what matters. Being wrong is where learning begins.

Map Making

The Blog Of Steve Moraco

  • DATA: Year 1

    DATA paints a canvas with your creativity, provides a platform to promote and refine your best ideas, and gathers a community of your fellow creators to celebrate each of your innovations.

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  • Annual Goals: 2023

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

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  • Social

    The first page people see when they find Mora.co from social media

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  • Annual Goals: 2021

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

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  • A New Decade: 2021

    A small annual recap with my favorite images of the year

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  • Read The Journey Of Not Knowing

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is a book that helps you determine what you want to go big on and get after it!

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  • Life Goals

    This page documents what I want out of life.

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  • Read Essentialism

    Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less is a book that helps you determine what you want to go big on and get after it!

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  • Casey’s Ending His Vlog – Here’s What That Means

    One of the most widely known, successful youtubers of all time just killed his daily show. Here’s what that means.

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  • The Problem With Jobs

    I’ve wanted to write this for years. Let’s talk about the benefits of universal basic income and the inequities of the employment model we use today.

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  • Tri-City Living

    I think I’ve found the key to making the most of the incoming creative economy. I want to live in all three of the most influential cities in the world.

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  • Chris Anderson’s TED

    Discover what makes TED so amazing by learning about the man who built it himself.

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  • The Power Of Caring Mothers

    Moms are great. Happy Mother’s day!

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  • Who Is The Youngest Woman Ever To Run For U.S. Congress? She’s Right Here: Erin Schrode

    Erin is on a mission that’s taking her all the way to the house of representatives. We got to talk about campaigning, serving others through advocacy, study abroad experiences, and more.

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  • What I Learned Touring Space X Twice

    This is a crazy look at the one time in the summer of 2015 that I got to tour SpaceX HQ twice – just a few years before Space X will likely become one of the biggest, most profitable, most influential, and most successful companies in the history of the world. No joke.

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  • Let’s Overthrow Education

    Building on themes from several other posts, this post highlights the cultural shift that necessitates a change. This is why we should overthrow education.

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  • Let’s Not “Revolutionize” Education

    If we can’t revolutionize education, what else can we do? This post builds on themes from my previous post “The Secret History of Education” with stories and examples.

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  • Here's a picture of a new school and an old school. Let's Overthrow Education

    The Secret History Of Education

    Everyone realizes that everything is horribly broken, and nobody seems to know why. In this post I explore 3 uncommon solutions.

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  • Artificial Ignorance

    This post is a combination of my thoughts on Superintelligence (a book by Nick Bostrom) and AI Movies like Chappie, Ex Machina, and others.

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  • You’re Awesome

    This is a post about the world’s biggest problems and how you can swing your own interests and pursuits to make the world better for everyone—if that’s your thing.

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  • How good do we have it, really?

    Don’t listen to the news. Listen to me, running around in circles yelling: THINGS ARE REALLY GOOD.

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  • Failing Sucks

    Failing isn’t easy. But it works better than almost anything else, so here’s how you make failing a part of your life without feeling like an idiot all the time.

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  • Learn About Studying Abroad

    This post explains my recent entry into the world of international education.

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  • 10 Ways Your Future Will Be Unexpectedly Awesome

    Everything is changing. The world we live in is changing so fast now that it’s nearly impossible to keep up. There’s a good reason for that, which I explain in this post. This post is my attempt to make the future just a little bit more approachable. If you’re alive to reading this right now, there’s a good chance that most if not all of the unbelievably cool predictions in this post will happen within your lifetime. Read up.

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  • Read about Elon Musk

    Finished reading @elonmusk by @valleyhack. I wrote a 6-step summary of the process he uses for his life’s work.

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  • Keep Starting

    I lacked clarity. It’s hard to do anything if you don’t know what you’re doing. Even harder if you don’t know why you’re doing it. I finally have clarity on what is worth writing about. I have a clear vision for what I can publish that no one else can. What I think is worth doing. Click read more to find out what it is.

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  • Read Bridge Story One

    What you are about to read is fiction… for now. The strange fact of the matter is the the technology to make the story below a reality already exists. It’s just a matter of collaboration between companies, and right now collaboration is very difficult. Read more to find out what it will look like when we live in a world where everyone can work together.

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  • Read Academically Adrift

    An insightful book with indecipherable language. I decided it needed to be broken down into simple words and brief summaries for easier consumption. Here is my summary: Studies show that universities don’t deliver on their own claims. You’re being overcharged by a chronically under-performing money-making apparatus, but you already knew that. The real question is: is there an alternative? You should read this post if you’ve been wondering why you didn’t learn anything (from your classes) in college.

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  • Achieve Your Goals By Giving Up

    It’s not that you don’t have enough willpower, it’s that your goals are impossible. All you have control over is today. You can’t lose 25 pounds in a day. Set goals that you can reach each day so that when you fail you can learn and get better quickly.

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  • Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    Clearing up any confusion between asset and liability is surprisingly enough to completely revolutionize your bank statement.

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  • Get Free Guac & Find Your Purpose

    How to explore dozens of different career paths, degrees, and daily routines in just a few days to figure out what you like best. Then, 5 steps to find your purpose and start doing work you love today. …and a few fun tips on ways to get free guacamole! Everyone loves guac, right?

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Who Wrote This?

Steve did. He’s an author and photographer. He lives in Colorado at the moment, but likes to travel whenever he gets a chance. Lately he spends his time flying cameras around for fun and profit, writing blog posts, and exploring his old home town with new friends. You can learn more at Mora.co/About.

What Next?

Dig Aerial Photography?

I sure do!

Other Good Things