Welcome - mora.co

Curious what I’m about or what I’m up to? Here's my personal mission statement, a list of my current projects, and an invitation to you.

Visit TEDxCOS.org to learn more, sign up to attend, speak, volunteer, or sponsor.

Welcome! Whether you landed here by social media link, googling me, or typing in my last name to your browser from my business card, you should be able to find what you’re looking for here on this page.

Can’t find what you need? Just messagesteve.com
And here’s permissionto@spamsteve.com, too.

Lander is my company. We do profitable marketing & we produce pictures and videos for businesses. Visit Lander.Media.

Hi, I’m Steve.

I’m a creator, writer, and learner. You’ve found my home on the internet. ^_^

The grand entrance to my internet home is an online course you can enroll in below. This course includes my favorite resources, tools, and stories. It’s available for free here on this page, no catch.

This course helps me build my network, keep you updated in a way that’s sustainable for both of us, and makes it easy for people who care or are curious about me to learn more. Welcome.


In the Summer of 2013, I graduated college stoked to understand the world and make a dent in the universe. I’ve made a lifestyle out of going where I don’t belong and asking questions – and I’ve made some amazing friends along the way.

Since entering “the real world” I have:

  • Read hundreds of books
  • Started/funded several businesses
  • Visited dozens of cities in 8 countries
  • Driven over 10,000+ km all over the U.S.
  • Lived in a beachfront apartment in HK
  • Prioritized family and friend time
  • Written and published a book
  • Made 1000 videos
  • And attended SXSW, TED, CES, Vidcon, The World Economic Forum @ Davos, and more.

I can take credit for exactly zero of those opportunities and none of those achievements. Most were lessons I learned from other people, and a few were even gifts. So many people have helped me along the way!

I have the most fun when I’m helping friends figure out how to dream big turn their goals into reality.

Because I continue to have so much help from generous people along my journey – and because I’ve seen how well dreaming big can work – I want to help people set inspiring goals and achieve them.

I’m going to continue exploring the world and I want to find the best ways to keep learning and growing along the way.


I want to help you start that thing you’ve been putting off, spend your time how you want, have the strength to say no to opportunities that aren’t a perfect fit, and work on things that inspire you with people you love being around.

If you’re up for it, I want to pay it forward and help you find and follow your dreams by telling you a few stories about the skills and discoveries that have helped me most in life.

I’ve put together an online course that you don’t have to keep coming back for, or even remember to do! It’s delivered by email.

Each story lands right in your inbox over the course of a few weeks, and then you’ll get a short story update from me every month or two after that. Obviously, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Each lesson is just a fun story or simple prompt you can do right when you get the email, and then a link to read more if you’re curious.


Start The Conversation

It’s free to sign up. The course is delivered right to your inbox, one simple step at a time.



Here are the highlights:

  1. My Best Photography Advice
    Take it from someone who’s taken about 21 million pictures in the last decade.
  2. Learn anything
    The story of how I learned philosophy as I got my degree in photography, plus tips and tricks for understanding instead of just memorizing.
  3. Meet anyone
    How to collaborate for mutual benefit with anyone in the world.
  4. Discover work you love
    and how to get any job you want.
  5. Become a writer
    You’ve always wanted to, right?
  6. Appreciate Travel
    Even if you don’t like traveling, have responsibilities, don’t want to, or just can’t afford to.
  7. Where to go from here…
    A list of my favorite online classes, blogs, resources, tools, apps, techniques, life cheat codes, freebies, and more!

The huge space in the page is just so you can appreciate the background picture.

These are the Grand Tetons in Wyoming USA! I took this during sunrise some time in July 2014.

When you’re happy, scroll up to the form and hit “enroll now” 🙂