Recent Photos
This page features the latest pictures I’ve posted. Just scroll to discover.
If you’re looking for some of my other photography work, make sure to check out these links:
The 2015 Project 365
The Project Debrief
I completely failed at my project 365 for 2015. I set the bar incredibly high, and then made it really hard to succeed by requiring myself to catch up whenever I fell behind.
The idea was to have a complete collection of 365 pictures from the previous four years of world traveling by the end of 2015. As I write this, it’s November 2015. I needed a kick in the butt to get editing through the archive of my recent travels, and I got that. But posting them all proved to be a little much!
Since the beginning of 2015, I’ve learned (the hard way) that I want to spend my adult life doing projects I love (which this was) that are also sustainable and self sufficient (which this was not).
The pictures below this row are from that abandoned project. What a cool learning experience! The pictures above this row are recent.
Now I run a vlog, a blog, two businesess, and I post pictures regularly. I actually LOVE the structure I derived during this Project 365, and I plan to continue using it. The difference between now and early 2015 is that I have (in theory) learned not to bury myself with unrealistic structure.
Going forward I will post pictures here and on every other social media platform, just like in this Project 365, but I will do so based on what fascinates me, however I like, with no stated schedule, and I will do so only if the return on my time is higher than the opportunity cost.