Day 21 of 365 - January 21, 2015

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My favorite shots from my 7th year as volunteer photographer for the First Lego League make up this entire next week, FLL Week!

And so a week of candid portraiture ends. I’ve been doing candid event photography longer than almost any other kind of photography. My first weekend with my first camera was spent shooting an FLL event, and 7 years in I’m excited to keep getting better every year.

Here’s my highlight shot from this year. This is one kid out of 500 or so who walked by my camera in about 20 minutes at the end of an 8 hour day of shooting. He happened to glance and I happened to get it, and it is absolutely golden.

Also, the american flag in the background is an interesting touch. I’m watching the State of The Union as I post these 7 pictures. This year will be an interesting one for our nation, and I’m very happy to see that discussions that have failed to get to the upper levels of government for decades are finally getting there thanks to the organization of the passionate people aided by the internet. Good things are happening around the world as we all learn to communicate more effectively.

Day 21 of 365 – January 21, 2015
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