Videos Every Day Begin Now

By in Daily Posts
Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 14th, 2017

My daily vlog starts going up today on my youtube channel.

1 Video a day for as long as I feel like that’s a fun, beneficial aspect of my life. This feels like something I want to keep doing for the foreseeable future. I really enjoy it, and I’ve gotten good at doing it in a way that doesn’t even remotely interfere with the rest of my life, or take a significant amount of time to do.

I’m pretty stoked about that. I’m excited to explore what I learned from last year’s 1000 Videos project in a proper blog post soon, and I’m even more excited to get to continue to have a sort of public journal in video form. I love looking back on it, and I love that I have friends who enjoy watching it.

Online video is such an amazing medium, and I’m just getting started!

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Author, photographer, doer of other stuff, too. Learn more here. Or follow him on twitter.


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