
  • Chris Anderson’s TED

    Discover what makes TED so amazing by learning about the man who built it himself.

  • Let’s Overthrow Education

    Building on themes from several other posts, this post highlights the cultural shift that necessitates a change. This is why…

  • Let’s Not “Revolutionize” Education

    If we can’t revolutionize education, what else can we do? This post builds on themes from my previous post “The…

  • Here's a picture of a new school and an old school. Let's Overthrow Education

    The Secret History Of Education

    Everyone realizes that everything is horribly broken, and nobody seems to know why. In this post I explore 3 uncommon…

  • Read Academically Adrift

    An insightful book with indecipherable language. I decided it needed to be broken down into simple words and brief summaries…
