Hi. I'm Steve. I'm a photographer and author.

This home page is an explanation of my online email course!
If you're here to learn more about me, you should sign up for the course. You'll get links to my blog, you'll get to explore my about me page, and info about all the projects I'm working on.

Here's a bit of my story:


Hi. I’m Steve.

I’m a photographer and author. This (much calmer) page is where we start to get to know each other.

I have an email course because I’d rather have a conversation than just expect you to just visit my website once or twice.

If you’re here because you’re curious about me, sign up below. I’m the only person who will see your email, and I’ll never share it.


In the Summer of 2013 I graduated college with a degree in photography and too few “practical” life skills. I was headed for unemployment like 50% of my fellow graduates.

I took my education into my own hands. Since that moment I have:

  • Read hundreds of books
  • Seen Dubai, Shanghai, and Beijing
  • Driven 10,000 Km all over the U.S.
  • Lived on my own in Hong Kong
  • Gotten paid to go to Germany
  • Prioritized family and friend time
  • Written and published a textbook
  • Taken hundreds of thousands of photographs along the way.

I can take credit for exactly zero of those opportunities and none of those achievements. Most were lessons I learned from other people, and a few were even gifts! So many people have helped me along the way!

I’ve found no greater joy through all of these experiences than helping others take hold of their own dreams and turn inspiring visions into realities.

Now because I’ve had so much help from generous people along my journey, my work is centered around helping people find their dreams as I continue to clarify my own.

I’m going to continue traveling and exploring, but I’m also going to work to find the best ways to keep learning, teaching, and growing.


I want to help you chase your dreams.
(Only if you want to. No pressure.)

This past year was outstanding for me because of the generosity of my friends. If you’re up for it I want to help you find and follow your dreams. I want you to be the best version of you possible. I want you to have your best year ever.

I think the best way I can help is by giving away the information and techniques that got me where I am today for free. No catch.

I’ve put together an email-course that you don’t have to keep coming back for, or even remember to do!

It gets delivered right to your inbox over the course of a few weeks.

Each lesson is just a simple action or prompt you can do right when you get the email.

You can help make the course better (I can’t do it all myself!) through discussion and sharing along the way.


Start The Conversation

It’s free to sign up. The course is delivered right to your inbox, one simple step at a time.



Here are the highlights:

  1. My Best Photography Advice.
    Take it from someone who’s taken 600,000 pictures in the last decade.
  2. How to learn anything.
    The same way I learned philosophy as I got my degree in photography.
  3. How to teach anything.
    Effective teaching is the best tool you’ll get in this whole course.
  4. How to make new friends quickly.
    …and keep up with old ones.
  5. How to be a best friend.
    …now that you’ve got so many. I mess this up regularly, but I’m getting better. Teaching is easier than doing, but I try.
  6. How to love your work.
    (even if you hate it)
  7. How to discover work you love.
    and how to get any job you want.
  8. How to write a book.
    You’ve always wanted to, right?
  9. How to travel.
    Even if you don’t like traveling, have responsibilities, don’t want to, or just can’t afford to.
  10. Where to go from here…
    A list of my favorite online classes, blogs, resources, tools, apps, techniques, life cheat codes, freebies, and more!

The huge space in the page is just so you can appreciate the background picture.

These are the Grand Tetons in Wyoming USA! I took this during sunrise some time in July 2014.

When you’re happy, scroll up to the form and hit “enroll now” 🙂