About Steve

About Steve

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Curious what I’m about or what I’m up to?

Ideas & Projects

Below you’ll find my personal mission statement, a list of current projects, and an invitation to you.

Three Ideas

1. Every day should be an adventure.

Living is happiest if you choose to see it as an exciting and rewarding challenge, no matter who you are.

Would you be happy with what you’re planning to do today if it was the last day you ever got to live?

Your mindset creates the world you live in. If you change the way you think, you can change the way you experience the world.

2. You’ll do awesome things if you have the tools to take your dreams seriously.

I think we can help each other find the right tools and opportunities to change the world.

Figuring out what you want and why you want it is half the battle to create a world you’re excited to be a part of each day.

The other half of the battle is embracing your ignorance, discovering that you can learn anything, choosing to learn from failure, and re-framing obstacles as advantages.

3. Communication is the most important skill.

The biggest problems are often result from our lack of practice understanding each other.

We can practice understanding others just like we can practice communicating our ideas clearly.

Active listening, effective speaking and writing, and generally healthy communication are skills anyone can learn.

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What would the world look like if we could share these ideas together?

My mission: To actualize everyone.

I want to enable every individual to dream up worthwhile world-changing work, and then carry out that dream efficiently.

…by helping people who don’t know what they want to do to determine what their life’s work could be by helping them learn fast.

…by enabling dreamers to go big without fear or self judgement.

…by creating systems that let adventurers do meaningful work through clear communication and effective collaboration.

What would a world I love living in look like?

Not that the world we have isn’t amazing already.

I want to live in a world full of loving families, where each member is happy by choice and everyone knows they are worthwhile and valuable.

I want to live in a world full of collaborators who take their own dreams seriously, and have the tools to do meaningful, fulfilling work to create a world in which they want to live.

I want to live in a world full of good friends who understand the value of communication and go out of their way to listen to and understand each other.


If you want to learn more, click on each of these 3 beliefs. They will help make a world like the ones I described above.

(Expand by clicking to read more)

I would love to hear what you thought of this page. If anything stood out to you from this message, I’d love to hear from you via email or Twitter.

If all this sounded familiar, you’re in the right place.

Now it’s your turn.

I want to have a blast solving the world’s most interesting problems together. I want to bring just a little more opportunity, joy, and wonder into the world.

If you do too, I would love your help. Wondering how? The best thing you can do (for both of us) is take an unusual and enthusiastic interest in the world around you.

Get curious. It’s a skill you need to practice to use well.

Mastering the skill of getting curious on a regular basis might be the single most important thing you’ll ever learn.

Ask me anything you’re curious about.

I will definitely read it. Be honest and creative. Whether or not you feel like asking a question, you should try. You’ll get no judgement from me, just love.

Hop over to twitter, follow me, and tweet at me!


Find me around the rest of the internet.


  • Three Ideas
  • Mission
  • Applying The Three Ideas
  • Beliefs
  • Invitation