Steve Moraco



funny meeting you here

perhaps you got here from social media?

take a deep breath.

You’ve arrived outside the advertising internet.

This is a page about me. My homepage. Allow me to re-introduce myself.

I’m Steve. I’m a photographer. I can tell an entire story with a single image.

Sometimes I prefer 1000 words instead.

Like all art, my social media presence is a performance – a haphazardly designed experience built for you out of moments other people designed for me.

Maybe you’ve noticed.

Perhaps it’s pissed you off.

The personal writing & videos produced and published here on my blog are a different kind of performance. The yin to my social media yang.

Some might call it more boring. I prefer organic, farm to table, gluten free, certified, pasteurized, premium content.

This is where I put stuff for people who want to pay attention. Maybe an even better term is invest attention. …instead of being tricked into paying attention by clickbait and ads.

You may want to continue reading if you have enough spare attention to invest. Maybe not. Either is okay.

This is a space that doesn’t feature ads, nor sales copy. Except this page. No hidden tricks to manipulate you — only obvious ones for illustrative purposes — just collaborative requests you can choose to engage with or not.

At the end of this post i’ll make such a request.

This is my favorite way for me to express myself as I learn more about life and experiment with how to engage with the world and the people I meet.

A simple mailing list is a way easier, more fun way to keep up with each other than anything else I’ve found.

What you will find here, now that you’ve arrived, is the best way to get to know me – the me you’re curious to know more about if you’re in a place to go clicking on links in people’s bios and email signatures.

A former partner once told me she “wanted to know the real me” and so she refused to read or watch anything I had made, insisting instead that time spent with me in person was more “authentic.” It didn’t work out.

In person I contradict myself. I am rough around the edges. I am learning.

Perhaps you are, too.

My work here and on social media is where I come to express the imprint I want to leave when the concrete dries. This is where I’ve taken the time to make sure my contribution is worth your attention, now and still in a thousand years.

This, my home on the internet, is the counterbalance and compliment to my social presence.

If my social media has upset you, inspired you, challenged you, made you curious, jealous, or thankful – even caused you to disagree publicly with me or feel the urge to share something I’ve posted or block me, it has done its job.

You’re here. You’re curious. Let’s explore together.

Social media is new. It’s dangerous. It’s very very powerful. And so is the internet.

And that might be the best thing that’s ever happened to us.

I’d like the opportunity to imagine together new roles for social technology in our lives. I want to confront you with opportunities to expand your self-expression. I want challenge you to reimagine the impact you want to have on yourself, your family, your friends, your community, and the world we find ourselves in together.

I want to share examples of people who have dreamed bigger than you and succeeded, in hopes that you will be inspired to one-up them and build a world we all love living in.

I want to find satisfaction, joy, and wonder in every day we live together on or off this planet.

But I can only do so much in a tweet.

I’ve made posts that cover all that and more, here on my personal blog where I’ve been writing and sharing pictures, videos, and other media for more than half my life – since 2015, after moving from Tumblr in 2007, and Blogspot before that, when I was just 14.

There aren’t many things i’ve done for more than half my life. I’m proud of this one.

I’ve been told this blog inspired people to follow their dreams. It’s apparently challenged others to reconfigure their goals and world view. People have started their own businesses after reading it. Other’s have finally checked off bucket list items they’d been putting off. Some have kickstarted new careers and found true love. Some have found the confidence to leave true love behind to be true to themselves. I doubt I can take credit for any of that, but that’s what people have said.

I’ve tested ideas here that were later published as books, and other ideas I later deleted in shame. My work here continues to connect me in unexpected and delightful ways to people I want to invest with.

I’m glad to have your attention for a while. I hope my work contributes meaning to your life.

It’s a rollercoaster worth riding together. Welcome.

Sign up now on this page.

Use your phone number for me to text you

and use an email you actually check,

as well as a name you’d like me to call you.

You won’t feel annoyed, nor spammed.

Instead I’ll aim for: fulfilled, curious, inspired, and challenged to grow in ways you’ve only just begun to dream of – and perhaps once you fill out this lead form, you’ll finally be happy.

And you’ll remember that I won’t be that last person to promise you happiness as an form of barter today.

From time to time I’ll send you the most surprising, thoughtful, purposeful posts you’ve ever encountered. Some of them might even be ones I wrote ?

You have my word that they’ll be just as deeply, personally fulfilling as that newsletter this morning you got about the latest sale at Target.

This signup page is the easiest way to access my blog and recent posts, even if you’ve signed up before. It’ll let me know you’re still listening.

Welcome, enjoy. I’m glad we’re here.

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