Steve Moraco

What You Do Is How You Feel

Written Jan 13th, 2017 — Published Jan 17th, 2017

How have you been feeling lately?

What have you been doing?

Notice anything? If you’ve been out running and going to the gym every day, you probably feel pretty dang stoked.

If you’ve been getting too little sleep (or too much!) and spending your free time avoiding people and activities, you’re probably feeling that pretty hard.

It’s weird to me that it took me 20 years to figure out that what I feel is just a reflection of what I’ve been up to lately.

If you wanna be a hippy about it, that means you can make a daily practice of joy by just making sure to get out and engage in something you love doing every day.

How neat, right?

It also just means if you don’t like how you feel, all you need to change is what you’re doing.

Do something different. It’s that easy.

Get after it.

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